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How much do you know about friction stir welding machines
- Categories:friction stir welding
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- Time of issue:2022-04-14 10:22
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(Summary description)Wide business scope: Friction stir welding technology is widely used in aerospace, electric power, bearings, automobiles, motorcycles, metal cutting tools, textile machinery, petroleum geological drilling, construction and other high-tech and traditional industries.
How much do you know about friction stir welding machines
(Summary description)Wide business scope: Friction stir welding technology is widely used in aerospace, electric power, bearings, automobiles, motorcycles, metal cutting tools, textile machinery, petroleum geological drilling, construction and other high-tech and traditional industries.
- Categories:friction stir welding
- Author:
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- Time of issue:2022-04-14 10:22
- Views:0
1. Wide business scope: Friction stir welding technology is widely used in aerospace, electric power, bearings, automobiles, motorcycles, metal cutting tools, textile machinery, petroleum geological drilling, construction and other high-tech and traditional industries.
2. Welding of the same metal and dissimilar metals can be realized: copper-aluminum transition joints, engine valves, ball studs, flanges, steering rods, automobile half shafts, shock absorbers, tool blanks, socket wrenches, hydraulic cylinders , Welding of parts and components such as drill pipe. And the welding machine can provide welding technical solutions for the needs of customers.
3. Outstanding features such as high quality, energy saving, high efficiency and environmental protection.
The welding quality is stable and reliable, the dimensional accuracy of the weldment is high, the operation is simple and easy to learn, and it is easy to realize automatic control. The mechanical properties after welding are equivalent to the mechanical properties of the parent material.
Disadvantages of manual welding:
The labor cost is high, the skilled workers are not easy to train, the arc light is easy to cause damage to the body at close range, and the welding speed is too slow.
Automatic welding is a part of the production process. The cutting method in the early stage, the length specification error of the weldment, the thickness of the material, the burr edge, and the unreasonable tooling may affect the automatic welding and are not suitable for automatic welding. Automatic welding can reduce the dependence on labor, speed up production efficiency, and reduce the cost of a single product.
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