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Chemical properties of Ruthenium pellet
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- Time of issue:2021-11-01 13:54
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(Summary description)The chemical properties of Ruthenium pellets are very stable. When the temperature reaches 100℃, it is resistant to common acids. Ruthenium pellet is an excellent catalyst, often used in hydrogenation, isomerization, oxidation and reforming reactions.
Chemical properties of Ruthenium pellet
(Summary description)The chemical properties of Ruthenium pellets are very stable. When the temperature reaches 100℃, it is resistant to common acids. Ruthenium pellet is an excellent catalyst, often used in hydrogenation, isomerization, oxidation and reforming reactions.
- Categories:News
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- Time of issue:2021-11-01 13:54
- Views:0
The chemical properties of Ruthenium pellets are very stable. When the temperature reaches 100℃, it is resistant to common acids. Ruthenium pellet is an excellent catalyst, often used in hydrogenation, isomerization, oxidation and reforming reactions. Ruthenium is a silver-white metal, which has excellent corrosion resistance to common acids and chemical reagents. Ruthenium is resistant to corrosion by a single acid and chemical reagents, and it is difficult to dissolve even in the medium. Ruthenium is simply oxidized. Ruthenium tetroxide is an evaporative toxic compound that can affect mucous membranes and damage the skin.
Platinum group metals are transition metals with multiple valences. The most stable valences are as follows: ruthenium is +3; rhodium is +3; palladium is +2, +4; osmium is +3, +4; iridium is +3, + 4; Platinum is +2, +4. They have a fierce tendency to generate co-products, the most common is to generate co-products with a coordination number of 4 or 6. Metal ruthenium produced by powder metallurgy can only undergo a small amount of plastic processing at 1150-1500°C, while osmium can hardly undergo plastic processing even at high temperatures.
There are now more than 80 types of platinum group minerals and mineral deposits containing platinum group elements, plus 200 varieties and unnamed mineral deposits. In the natural world, platinum group metals are dominated by natural elements, natural alloys, antimonides, sulfides, sulfur arsenides, and bismuth tellurides. Some of them exist in sulfides, such as chalcopyrite. , Nickel pyrite, purple sulfur nickel (iron) ore, etc.
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